Promoting Inclusive Public Finance Management (PIP) Project

KCSON with support from Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG) is implementing “Promoting Inclusive Public Finance management” project in Kakumiro District whose goal is to have a people centered expenditure policies that promote social sector financing for the delivery of equitable services to citizens in Uganda by 2021. Through this PIP project CSBAG and KCSON seek to create and work with functional structures and increase collaboration with Government, equip ordinary citizens and CSO’s with adequate capacities to influence national and subnational fiscal policies, by adequately engaging Government for prudent Public Finance management (PFM).

The Project is implemented in 5 Sub Counties of Kakumiro TC, Bwanswa, Kyabasaija, Kisengwe and Kasambya. Implementation is done through a community structure (Participatory Budget Clubs-PBCs) formed in each of the 5 Sub Counties. Each PBC has a membership of up to 20 members and 2 community budget Advisers (CBAs). PBCs do conduct quarterly budget monitoring exercises in their sub counties, and there after mobilize quarterly community budget dialogues on the monitoring findings in their sub counties where they interface with duty bearers on findings from the monitoring.

Key sectors that PBCs monitor

·  Education sector targeting majorly Government Primary Schools

·  Health Sector particiculary Health Centres (II,III, IV)

·  Agriculture Sector

·  Water and Environment

·  Social Development Sector.

Key Findings from Our Monitoring So Far

A. Education

·  Performance of pupils still poor with majority of schools monitored registering pupils in third and fourth grades (very few first & second grades).

·  Absenteeism of pupils still high especially on market days (Semuto Ps, Kisengwe PS …etc). Only 03 pupils reported on the first day of third term at Kikyamuzi PS.

·  Low retention rate with majority of schools having less than 20 pupils in P.7 yet enrollment was high in P.1.only 03 pupils are in p.7 at St Jude Kikyamuzi yet were 72 in p.1 (2012), only 13 at Kitanda ps, only 15 at Kihurumba PS yet 2012 enrollment stood at 90. At Kisengwe PS only 21 are in P.7 yet were 212 in p.1 in 2012.

·  No trained teachers for pupils with special needs -(83pupils with special needs at Kisengwe P/S), St Kizito has no teachers for sign language yet school has pupils with hearing impairments. No facilities for pupils with sight impairments.

·  Cases of defilement of pupils reported among factors leading to high drop out. Police was reported to be conniving with suspects. Head teacher of Kanyawawa PS after reporting a defilement case was ordered by Police to make more investigations on the case.

·  Political interference in running of schools. When schools ask for some small contributions from parents, politicians come in and discourage parents from making those contributions.

·  Understaffing in most schools e.g. only 05 teachers at St. Jude Kikyamuzi with 7 classes, Bukuumi Boys has 7 teachers and one of them is an Inspector of schools.

·  Absenteeism of teachers. Either they don’t turn up completely or come and work half day. Cases of alcoholism amongst teachers also contributing to this absenteeism.

·  Increasing enrolment of pupils in some schools due to displacement of people as a result of land disputes. Kihumuro P.S currently has over 800 pupils with only 8 teachers and the desk ratio is up to 1:6 or even more.

·  Unethical code of conduct among teachers. Some teachers using abusive language to pupils.

B. Health

·  Low staffing e.g. only 8 staff out of the required 19 at Kyabasaija HCIII, only 2 at Kisengwe, only.

·  Stock out of medicine Vs unrestricted Kisengwe HCIII currently relies on supplies from Kakumiro HCIV.

·  Late reporting of staff (9-10 and early departure 3-4pm. This was more evident at Kisengwe& Kyabasaija health centres.

·  No admissions for inpatients at Kisengwe and Kyabasaija Health centres yet handle patients that require admissions. Kyabasaija also handles patients from across the District of Mubende.

·  Inadequate delivery beds at all health centres (Kisengwe-01, Kyabasaija-02, Kasambya-01, Kakumiro HCIV-02). Some times women are forced to deliver from admission beds.

·  Closing of health centres over the weekend.

·  No maternity ward at Kisengwe HCIII.

·  Stock outs of key medical supplies. Kisengwe health centre relies on supplies from Kakumiro HCIV not NMS.

·  Hygiene issues-Full latrine for maternity ward at Kakumiro HCIV, Placenta pit full at Kakumiro HCIV.

C. Agriculture

·  Unfair distribution of agric inputs especially livestock. Agric officers at Sub County level submit lists of potential beneficiaries but when it comes to distribution, the lists are not followed. Distribution is determined at District.

·  Extension services not reaching majority of the farmers. This could be due to inadequate staff e.g. Kasambya and Kisengwe share the same staff.

·  Inputs distributed by government not given due attention by the farmers. Many times they receive coffee and it dries up before planted.

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