Accelerating HIV Epidemic Control in Fort Portal Region

Accelerating HIV Epidemic Control in Fort Portal Region ACE – Using Community Facility Framework (CFF)

Funded by Baylor College of Medicine Children’s Foundation Uganda (Baylor-Uganda), the project focuses on promoting Bi-directional clinical, community referrals, linkages and service delivery implementation strategy. While Utilizing community structures such as Community Health Workers to reach the 95-95-95 targets”. KCSON implements the project in Kyenjojo district, particularly 4 sub counties of Bugaaki, Butiiti, Nyabuharwa and Butunduzi.

Targeting 8 facilities of Butunduzi HCIII, Rwibaale HCIII, Butiiti HCIII, Adolf HCIII, Kyakatara HCIII, Nyamabuga HCIII, Nyakarongo HCIII and Mbaale HCII that are referral centers for clients identified with service needs in communities. In implementation of project activities KCSON works with 14 Community Health Workers whose major role is referral tracking and report on routine basis to facilities they are attached to as well as KCSON.

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