Life skills and values for in an out of school adolescents promoted.

Do our children have life skills and values? Assessment of Life skills and Values in East
Africa (ALiVE)
The month of August 2022, KCSON in partnership with Uwezo Uganda and Luigi Gussani
Institute of Higher Education undertook Assessment of Life Skills and Values in East Africa –
ALiVE. Particularly, KCSON focused on Kagadi district, Uganda, in the 20 sampled
Enumeration Areas. Emphasis was on life skills and values of self-awareness, problem solving,
collaboration and respect as a value. The study targeted a total of 800 adolescents aged 13-17
years, from 400 households across 20 enumeration areas in Kagadi districts, was conducted by
40 assessors and 2 village coordinators, with support from the local leaders. Findings indicated
that majority adolescents were conversant with self-management skills, respect and lacking in
problem solving proficiencies, at household level instant feedback was given to reinforced
caregivers and adolescents understanding of the relevance of life skills at all development stages.


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